Medicare - A Primer and Resource Guide
Category: Elder Law,
Medicare is the government's primary insurance program for people over age 65. Unfortunately, the benefits that Medicare provides, as opposed to other federal benefit programs, and the limits of those benefits are not well understood. Medicare is a health insurance program that Americans pay into by working during their lifetimes. Like all health insurance programs, it is not all-encompassing, and may be combined with other health insurance programs to provide optimal coverage. A key misunderstood point is that Medicare does not cover long-term care needs (ie: assisted living or nursing home). You will need private funds, long-term care insurance, or Medicaid to meet those needs.
From is an excellent in-depth article on the breadth and limits of Medicare coverage, as well as Medigap insurance, appealing Medicare Decisions, and new Prescription Drug Coverage, located at Medicare - ElderLaw Articles.
If you have the background on Medicare and have specific questions, the single best resource for detailed information is "The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare "