10 Guidelines for Selecting an Elder-Care Attorney
Category: Elder Law
Out of Montgomery, Alabama, but applicable anywhere - some sound advise and 10 guidelines for selecting an elder-care attorney.
"Establishing a relationship with an elder care attorney before you are forced to confront the health issues of aging is proactive and can help you identify a compassionate and experienced professional whom you can trust to guide you legally; this will help ensure that you are not taken advantage of in an effort to meet your needs."
Many times seeking out the right Elder Law attorney is a family affair - the attorney needs to be close to where seniors are, but also able to communicate with the children if their clients so desire. When seeking an Elder Law attorney, it is also important to bear in mind that most times the parents will be the attorney's client - not the children or the family overall. The attorney should be seeking to meet the parents or senior generations goals.
The steps for finding an Elder Law attorney summarized (see the article for more details):
1. Identify prospective attorneys
2. Schedule screening interviews
3. Determine if the attorney is qualified in elder-care issues
4. Understand the network of professionals.
5. Discuss elder-care attorney fees
6. Contact the references
7. Prepare for the second interview
8. Drill down on specifics
9. Select your elder-care attorney
10. Put it in writing
"None of us knows what our future holds, but we can be prepared. By working with an elder-care attorney, you are expanding the team of advisers you work with to help secure a lifestyle you desire when seeking to meet your future needs and protect your legacy."